Road Trip: Day 2
South of the Border
The highlight of our drive from Beaufort, NC (bow-ferd) to Bluffton, SC was a stop at the infamous tourist rest trap on Interstate 95, South of the Border. Originally established in 1949 as a place North Carolinians could buy beer just "south of the boarder" of their blue law dry state. It ballooned over the years into this very weird Mexican themed set of restaurants, shops and motels. Given that this road trip was to explore, not to just get to Florida, we made it a 'must' stop. Surprisingly, the food was decent and the people friendly.
Dorine at South of the Border
My roadie buddy is shy concerning plastering her likeness all over internet. Therefore, the picture of her standing next to a 12 foot pink flamingo will not be included, but you must know that it was a perfect 'South of the Border' moment. What you get instead is my face framed by the South of the Border tower.
Sharply at 4:33 PM we pulled into another friend's driveway. Judy welcomed us with open arms. Dinner was a perfect low country experience. Brilliant sunset, ancient Live Oaks dressed with Spanish Moss, and mellow low country hospitality. The views are filled with tidal flows (tides are 8-9 feet on the South Carolina coast) soaking marsh grasses, swaying gently, revealing just a hint of purple at their tips. There is a richness to the air, a sweetness, that exists no where else.