And so it goes on...

The political scene made my head spin, the winter weather kept me indoors, my mate submitted to a second surgery, this time for a long ailing hernia, and it looks like a third surgery for gastrointestinal issues in on the horizon.  These are the days when the vision of sailing sank below the horizon and we contemplated selling the boat and completely retreating to land life.

If John didn't have a melt down on a Monday, I had one by Wednesday.  While John worked getting himself mobile and walking again without a cane, I escaped to the gym, running and lifting to exorcise the demons that haunted my brain.

But finally, this week, the sun shone, the last of winter is blowing away, the doctor gave John hope for a good recovery, and the Trump administration is self-imploding so we are both more hopeful that our nation will survive and we will return to living aboard and sailing again by June.  What we need is a couple of extra months for his last recovery and another crew member to add strength and stability to our anticipated southern sailing in the fall. Both are in "the works".


Road Trip: Day 1


Protesting...2016 style