Blog Summary

Thoughts and Musings

2021 - Present

How do we cope when our bodies and minds aren’t what they were? How do we find purpose in life? Is adventure still on the horizon? Can we cope much less thrive in today’s chaotic environement? How might adventure change as we sprout wrinkles?

Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Holiday Cards

Before 1840, only the wealthy could afford to send holiday cards. Mail was expensive, beyond the reach of most British people. That changed with railways. Their box cars carried much more mail than the horse-drawn carriages of the day, reducing mailing costs. To entice people to use the British mail service, the Victorians launched the modern Christmas card in 1843 with the ‘penny’ post card.

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Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

It’s not about me at Christmas

I relish Christmas holidays, always have, even when the past year gets spotted with disappointment and sadness. Others complain about the commercialism, competitive light decorations, or the endless jingle bells music, but I don’t. I jump into the gaiety, opening my eyes, ears, and nose to all around me, and preparing me for the coming year. In fact, early Christians knew a marketing opportunity when they saw one steaing December 25th and customs from pagan winter solstice traditions.

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Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Opera is not dead

Opera always surprises my senses with its cacophony of music, voices, performance, costumes, fantastical scenery, and raving applause. It sweeps me into a make believe world with elegance and richness I encounter no where else.

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Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Memory on My Mind

Memory is on my mind of late. Names, dates and activities are leaking out of the brain stuffed inside my skull. It’s good that these missing items don’t turn into water because I’d be standing in puddles all the time. I need nets of prompts to recreate them. That turned me into a list maker, photo annotator, calendar detailer, and contact documenter. Sticky notes decorate my laptop screen. If it’s not chronicled, it’s a ghost, disappeared.

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