Blog Summary

Thoughts and Musings

2021 - Present

How do we cope when our bodies and minds aren’t what they were? How do we find purpose in life? Is adventure still on the horizon? Can we cope much less thrive in today’s chaotic environement? How might adventure change as we sprout wrinkles?

Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Marooned in Memphis

Memphis 2006. Great expectations. I’d hadn’t lived in the south for over fifty years.  The city certainly had its attractions--Elvis Presley’s Graceland, Beale Street blues joints, the Orpheum Opera house, a triple A baseball team, Memphis in May International BBQ competitions, a very reputable zoo, and the famous Peabody Hotel with its parading ducks to name a view. 

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Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Fiction vs. Memoir

I came to know the work of Laurie Anderson at the Hirschhorn Museum in DC. One piece in this major show titled Weather, is The Story about the Story written in bright white words on a massive black wall. The starkness and simplicity of it made me stop browsing and read it all.

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Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Art Fights Gun Violence

Breathless. They overwhelmed my mind as we carried dozens of bags each holding 250 boxes, each box representing a person killed in the U.S. by gun violence. I stood before the panels representing 200,000 people killed in the last three years.

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Dorine Andrews Dorine Andrews

Why did I stay in Girl Scouts?

I was one — starting in first grade as a Brownie and hanging-in until I graduated from high school as a Senior. In the early years, I was enthusiastic because my friends were in the troop. However, as I entered hgh school, many friends left. I missed them, hated the uniforms, and felt geeky for staying, but Mom was my troop leader. To avoid confrontation, I stayed. Why?

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