Happy Holiday Cheer!
West Palm Beach, FL
Chestnuts roasting on your fire? Jack Frost nipping at your nose? Are folks dressed up like Eskimos? Not for us this year. The Holiday Season in West Palm Beach is all about sand and warm breezes, not snow and blustery winds. But, Yule tide songs are being sung by a choir (in Vero Beach, the singers were in light decorated kayaks) so no matter where we are, the holiday season will be enjoyed. The Florida 80 degree warmth doesn't match my childhood holiday memories but, no matter, I've adapted and joined in the singing.
In West Palm Beach, we hung out among a sculpted sand Christmas tree of many colors, a gingerbread house surrounded by sand-carved tots, toys, and dogs, a Christmas lighted mini-golf game and a decorated waterfront where folks strolled in shorts and flip flops. It's a new kind of holiday feel and I think I like it, especially the shorts and flip flops part.