We're off - the adventure begins!
We're a year late, but on Sunday October 8th, we backed out of our slip at Herrington Harbour North for the last time to begin our adventure south, despite predictions of rain (didn't happen) and winds from the south (did happen). The past week was a crazy busy time. Every time one of us turned around there was something else to do. But, we got it done! Here's the short list:
Going away party – Check!
Provisioning boat – Check!
Sea trial 1000 hour engine maintenance work – Check!
Activate SPOT Gen 3 tracker – Check!
Last minutes fixes to engine to remove chaffing of alternator washer and bolt against raw water hose – Check!
Sell our beloved 10 year old car – Check!
Fill the water tanks -- Check!
Remove fenders from dock and tie to Dolce Vento – Check!
Get a good night’s sleep – not so good. Seems the anticipation kept all three of us up.
Leave the dock on Sunday, October 8 as scheduled at 9:00 AM – Missed the departure time by only 15 minutes. Better than most airlines actually.
Today, Day 2 of our adventuring south, Dolce Vento floats securely on a mooring in Back Creek, Solomon's Island. We were able to sail 3 hours on Sunday before the wind died. (Follow our progress using the SPOT Gen 3 link on the blog home page.) We considered our first day successful and celebrated our escape with champagne. Tomorrow we take off for Wicomico River anchorage south of the Potomac River.
Understand dear readers, that many people, including myself, have taken the ICW trip before or even yearly so it's not like we're breaking new ground. On the contrary, we're sailing established paths. Some people even implied that we were chicken not to plunge into a multi-day and night sail down the Chesapeake, make a hard right at the Atlantic Ocean and continue down the Atlantic coast following the Gulf Stream, skipping the ICW, its small towns, nooks and crannies altogether.
I'm clucking. It's too much to bite off so soon. We were not in a race, we wanted to do this our own way, at our own pace and to go where we want to go. As Edith Ann firmly declared from her rocking chair so many years ago, "And, that's the truth. So there." And that's what we are doing.