Holiday Surprise
Red sky — sailor’s delight
It was Thanksgiving with family in Harper's Ferry, then a Friendsgiving party locally last night. I thought some shopping , a movie and dinner out with my husband would add a good end to the holiday weekend. He was well on the mend, traded his walker for a cane, was climbing stairs, walking several blocks, and his moaning was down significantly. What was I thinking? Such a silly girl, I was.
The past two weeks caught up with me. Did laundry this morning, ate lunch, reheated turkey and stuffing, then hit the wall. Totally exhausted. Couldn't wash the dishes, couldn't read; couldn't write; couldn't drag my body into the shower, couldn't get dressed or put on a face. With good intentions to read a book, I wrapped myself in a blanket, sank back into my corner of the couch, and dove into a deep sleep in about five seconds. Woke myself up snoring, head thrust back, closed my mouth, readjusted my head on the pillow and went back into my self-induced coma. I was not a pretty picture.
Woke up at 4:30 PM. Dark outside. Winter is in. Only 209 days until we will be fully aboard, living on Dolce Vento once again. But, who's counting?